Final Tasks
So I've got way too many pages here. I've gone through enough steps here that I'm glad I documented them for myself, even if no one else uses this!
Here are the steps I've taken to move from using a development environment for CAS, to moving to TEST. In our environment, TEST is not just for testing CAS. It's for authentication for non-production applications. These steps will be replicated for production.
- Update your /etc/ansible/hosts to refer to your new systems. Here are mine as an example (note - you don't need the vmware_name or vmware_folder stuff here for the CAS/Tomcat stuff. They are used in other playbooks I have, like those that take snapshots in VMWare before patching or major changes).
login6testa vmware_name="Login6TestA (CAS 6 Test 1)" vmware_folder="/Computer Services/vm/CAS Authentication Servers" ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/libexec/platform-python apache_domains="" tomcat_major_ver=9.0 tomcat_ver=9.0.45 jdk_version=11 login6testb vmware_name="Login6TestB (CAS 6 Test 2)" vmware_folder="/Computer Services/vm/CAS Authentication Servers" ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/libexec/platform-python apache_domains="" tomcat_major_ver=9.0 tomcat_ver=9.0.45 jdk_version=11
Build two or more new hosts. For our test environment, I call these 'login6testa' and 'login6testb'. Use whatever your existing build process for them is. For us - we use Ansible to build VMs via Kickstart. Maybe I'll get into that in the future here.
Set your site.yml to include the roles you want to use. For my environment, I use a few that aren't covered here (such as for security hardening, setting content-security-policies, or setting up apache-http), but those that are relevant for CAS are:
- apache-tomcat
- cas6
- cas6-client (not needed in production - but I still use this in test)
- Generate the various keys (see the Generating all necessary keys section near the bottom of the initial CAS config) and place them in your cas-vault.yml file.
- Create your Azure app as per the Azure SAML page. Get the metadata URL and put it in your cas-vault.yml
- Ensure you have created a file - and set the variable names correctly (changing DEV_ to TEST_ in variable names when appropriate, and setting to your load balanced virtual host).
- Populate at least one service into your roles/cas6/templates/test-services directory
- Ensure your playbooks have sections for TEST configs - not just DEV
- Run your Ansible playbook on ONE of the servers.
ansible-playbook site.yml --ask-vault-pass --limit login6testa
- Place only one of the servers as active in your load balancer - then visit the site. It will generate the various saml-signing-cert files, sp-metadata.xml, and samlKeystore.jks
- Copy these files to your roles/cas6/files directory - but rename the sp-metadata.xml and samlKeystore.jks to be tier specific (i.e. sp-metadata-TEST.xml and samlKeystore-TEST.jks). You can then re-run the playbook on the other server(s) this will now push the sp-metadata.xml, samlKeystore, and saml-signing-cert files that were generated on the first host so they are the same in others in the tier.
ansible-playbook site.yml --ask-vault-pass --limit login6testa
- Finish your Azure setup (see "Finish Azure config" section of the Azure SAML page).
- Restart tomcat on both hosts (not sure this is necessary - but it's a one time thing).
- Delegated auth should work now on your new tier.
Is this really easier than doing it without Ansible? To do it once - definitely not. To make it repeatable and to maintain configs, service settings, Tomcat upgrades, and more - for me at least make Ansible essential for this.
Maybe that's because I have too much work - but I'm sure I'm not the only one reading this who has too much work!