Using Ansible to put it all together
Okay - now that I've covered all the steps that are done to get Tomcat working - you should realize I never do them manually anymore. I have way too much to do to be manually doing all that. When I initially started doing this for CAS 5, I had a combination of shell and python scripts to streamline this - but as I've gotten to use Ansible more over the past few years, I moved it all there. The only thing I'm not doing with Ansible really is generating encryption/signing keys, setting up the Azure side of things, and building CAS itself.
I've put a copy of my ansible playbooks that are used in this document at: (
Before you start with Ansible - you will really want to think about how to lock it down. Your Ansible host - whether you use it for CAS servers alone, or for managing other applications, OS updates, etc., has a LOT of access. Consider at the very least ensuring your Ansible hosts are only accessible inbound from a VPN - or possibly even dedicated bastion hosts - and is configured with Duo or some other form of MFA for SSH access. You don't want your system management tool to be a vector for attack.
Ansible hosts file
You have to have an Ansible hosts file created. You can start with a very small config for a single server even. I always split my CAS servers (or any set of systems where multiples are active at a time) into different phases for when I patch, so a pair of CAS servers below are listed like the following:
login6deva ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/libexec/platform-python tomcat_major_ver=9.0 tomcat_ver=9.0.41 jdk_version=11
login6devb ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/libexec/platform-python tomcat_major_ver=9.0 tomcat_ver=9.0.41 jdk_version=11
What I've defined here is:
- ansible_python_interpreter (since RHEL 8 doesn't come with a default python in the path, you have to tell Ansible where it can find python)
- tomcat_major_ver (since some of my Ansible tasks are version specific, as I still have some Tomcat 8.5.x systems)
- tomcat_ver (this is where the specific version of Tomcat is specified. This is helpful when you want to push out updates to your test/dev systems first, but aren't ready to for production)
- jdk_version (likewise, I have systems which are using OpenJDK 8 and others with OpenJDK 11, and I want to have my plays handle these.)
Define a site.yml file
This is where you can associate roles with systems. As an example, here's my development CAS hosts, where I have several roles: (one for security hardening, based on the Center for Internet Security benchmarks, one for Apache Tomcat, and one for Apache httpd. There are two CAS related roles which we'll be building later (I've commented them out for now - you'll uncomment them as they are needed).
It should be within your main ansible directory
# CAS 6
- hosts: login6deva,login6devb
- security-hardening-rhel8
- apache-tomcat
- apache-httpd
#- cas6
#- cas-client
Create a role for Tomcat
If you don't already have a 'roles' directory within your main ansible directory, create one. Mine sits within my own user directory on my Ansible/build server.
Once that is created, go to the roles directory and initialize a new role for apache-tomcat:
[chauvetp@ansible ~]$ cd ansible/roles/
[chauvetp@ansible roles]$ ansible-galaxy init apache-tomcat
- Role apache-tomcat was created successfully
[chauvetp@ansible roles]$ ls apache-tomcat/
defaults files handlers meta tasks templates tests vars